Laws of Attraction

How Can Positive Thoughts Lead to a Solution?

Free positive thoughts
Image by Boris Veldhuijzen van Zanten via Flickr

What are you thinking about?

Positive thoughts, I hope.


Well, for one thing, with positive thinking you’re more likely to come up with a solution to a problem.

I’ve got a little inspirational story to illustrate this.

Yesterday Brian walked into my office with a big smile on his face. He was just about to burst with something to tell me…so, of course, I let him do that… on the spot!

And I’m glad I did!

With excitement he said, “I just saved a bee!”

That’s something he hadn’t had much chance to do lately. Previously, as I told you in my story, Can A Bee Show You How to Find Happiness?, he used to find a struggling bee in our swimming pool almost every day. But lately, he rarely sees a bee.

Just a day or so before yesterday he rescued a bee from the pool. After keeping that bee on his finger for awhile, he set it on a chair outside in the sun to let it dry off its wings. Unfortunately a lizard ate that bee because it couldn’t fly away.

As I told Brian just now that I was writing about his amazing story of saving a bee yesterday, he said: “Did I ever tell you about the wasp?”

“No,” I replied.

“A wasp raises its wings when it lands in the pool, so it doesn’t get its wings wet like the bees do.”

So those bees that land in our pool get their wings wet and can’t fly. Some of them are lucky enough to be rescued by Brian, if he gets to them in time.

Alright, back to yesterday’s story of the bee that survived….I got a little sidetracked when Brian summoned me to come outside. And I couldn’t resist…it’s such a gorgeous, cool and sunny day.

Brian really wanted to save that bee, even though the bee was really out of it, near death. So he was thinking about how he could save the bee.

Since the last bee he had tried to save was eaten after he left it outside, Brian brought this delirious bee inside.

Then he asked God “How can I give this little bee more help? Lord, I need a miracle.”

And instantly the answer came to him…

Laws of Attraction

Are You Allowing The Laws of Attraction to Help You?

Are You Allowing The Laws of Attraction to Hel...

The other day I caught myself being guilty of the very thing my husband had recently been discussing. I wasn’t using the Laws of Attraction to help me. But more on my guilt later…

Brian had told me that he got upset when he was helping a friend, Bill, move some office equipment using a dolly.

Why did he get upset?

Because as Brian tried to guide the dolly for Bill, he heard Bill angrily say, “Don’t try to manage me!”

And as the day progressed, Brian heard Bill tell him those words again and again as he tried to help Bill.

Ouch! How words can hurt, especially when said in anger… by a friend you’re trying to help.

So, Brian was hurt, and he told me about the incident when he came home. He wasn’t so sure he wanted to continue his friendship with Bill… Bill seemed too full of negativity, and Brian didn’t feel appreciated.

Next day Brian went again to continue helping Bill.

And you know what Brian did?

Laws of Attraction

Positive Quotes: Can They Help You?

Just a few weeks ago I joined Twitter.

Now if you don’t know what Twitter is, it’s a website ( through which users can send brief messages for free.

Although Twitter was designed so that you could tell your friends and others what you’re doing, Twitter has evolved.

What I like best about it is the positive quotes and messages I receive. Some of them really touch my heart while others inspire me.

I’m wondering…

Have you heard or read anything positive lately?


Laws of Attraction

Mind Power: Are You Unconsciously Sabotaging Yourself?

I’ve been following a story in the news….a story that had a very ugly beginning. Since it was such an ugly story, I only skimmed it.

Here’s what happened. A family was driving from a spot of recreation and they were shot at by a man and wife who had signs on their property saying that trespassers will be shot.

Several of the family members were injured. One of the children, a seven year old boy, died from his injuries.

Now that has to be terribly devastating for a parent, right? I can only imagine how that would affect me, but I won’t go there.

Instead, let’s go to how the story turned beautiful.