
What Do Inspiring Quotes Do For You?

Remember in my last post I talked about using mantras to be more confident?

Did you try using mantras yet?

Or how about inspiring quotes?

I’m telling you… they work!

Not just for my friend, but for me, too!

So, here’s my story of how a mantra and an inspiring quote helped me.

Some weeks ago Brian and I attended Pat O’Bryan’s UnSeminar6 in San Antonio, Texas. Although I knew that I was meant to be there, Brian wasn’t sure about attending.

But when our hotel room number corresponded to his birthday, we knew he was supposed to be there.

Do you notice signs like that showing up in your life?

Anyway, during the seminar I got inspired by one of the unscheduled speakers, Martha Giffen, who said how easy it was to get interviews from the speakers.

Sometime later Joe Vitale took the stage and wowed the audience. I’m always amazed at what he continues to accomplish…and… can you believe it?

He was homeless for a number of years!

So, at dinner that night, Brian was wishing he’d asked Joe how he got out of being homeless.

How did Joe go from being homeless, friendless and feeling unloved by everyone, including himself?

My brain started thinking, “I wonder if music or lyrics played a role? Maybe Joe would let me interview him about that and maybe other speakers would, too.”

Would I get up the nerve to ask Joe?