Peace. Love and Happiness

How Might Inner Healing Change Your Life?

You might think that growing up on a farm and ranch as part of a large family would be delightful.  Well, let me tell you… it wasn’t so for me, at least most of the time.

Don’t get me wrong. There were happy times….like going to the Ice Capades show and to Disneyland and to Colorado and Florida. At Halloween we wore decorated paper bags over our heads and trick or treated at our house…only at our house, nowhere else.

7 Years of Bad Luck

My childhood was riddled with pain….pain from my emotions as well as pain from bodily injuries caused by accidents….one per year during my first 7 years of school.

I remember writing a paper for school about my 7 years of bad luck. And the accidents didn’t stop when my childhood ended. They continued for many years after I was long gone from the farm and ranch.

Why was it that I had so many accidents while that wasn’t true for any of my 6 siblings?

Laws of Attraction

When Was the Last Time You Practiced Positivity?

I have a confession to make.

Although I consider myself to be a very positive person, I wasn’t always that way. Actually, I was more like the opposite.

I was a complainer…  didn’t even realize it until one day long ago my brother called me on it.

“Y’all are always complaining” he said to my husband and me.

Oh, it hurt to hear that. I was pretty angry about his bold remark….right in my house… as my guest! The nerve of him!

But he was right, as I later realized. Thank you for pointing this out to me, brother Robert! It was a really good life lesson for me.

I had so much to be thankful for, yet I was not expressing gratitude.

Yes, I worked 6 – 7 days a week and had to bring the bookkeeping home to work on till late at night…. and never got 8 hours of sleep… maybe 6 hours if I was lucky.

But I had a good husband and precious daughter, a nice house that we owned, fine cars, fashionable clothing, short vacations in the Caribbean….  And my husband and I were owners of a successful business.

Ah, yes, we had the American dream of owning our own business. We had followed my husband’s dream and succeeded.

But we didn’t take the time to be thankful for all we had.

I hope you’re not making the mistake of complaining and blaming others and not being grateful.

Who have you thanked lately?

Is there more negativity or positivity in your life?

Why does it matter?